OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Level Manager Dialog

Used to control level display and level symbology for the open DGN/DWG file and attached references.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Primary
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Primary
  • Toolbox: Primary Tools
  • Status bar: Active Level field
  • Default Function key menu: <Ctrl+F6>

You can dock the Level Manager dialog to the top or bottom edge of the application window.

By default, the Level Manager includes a list of models, levels, and filters on the left, and a detail section on the right.

You can select multiple design files and/or reference attachments from the tree by holding the left mouse button down and dragging the cursor over the desired files. The levels for all the selected files display in the level list.

Model, levels, and filters list Displays the models, levels, and filters for the file.

Models, levels, and filters in the Level Manager

  • The current model is listed. You can expand (+) or contract (-) it to show or hide attached references. The levels for the model or selected reference are displayed in the detail section on the right.
  • All Levels shows level information within all models in the open file.
  • The Filters list can be expanded (+) or contracted (-) to show or hide named filters. These filters customize the level displays based on user-defined search criteria. When you select Filters, a list of all filters and their search criteria appears in the detail section. When you select a named filter, the search criteria are applied to the levels for the model.

    If you select a named filter and right-click, you have the following options:

    • New - Creates a new filter.
    • Level Group - Opens the Level Groups dialog, which lets you select a list of levels for the filter.
    • Filter Group - Opens the Filter Groups dialog, which lets you use existing filters with set operations to define a new filter.
    • Cut - Cuts a filter from its present location on the filter list to be placed in a different location. If a filter is moved under another filter, it inherits the top-level filter settings.
    • Copy - Copies a filter from its present location on the filter list to a different location. If a filter is moved under another filter, it inherits the top-level filter settings.
    • Paste - Places a filter in the selected location on the filter list. If a filter is moved under another filter, it inherits the top-level filter settings.
    • Move - Moves a filter from its present location on the filter list to a different location. If a filter is moved under another filter, it inherits the top-level filter settings.
    • Delete - Removes a filter from the filter list.
    • Rename - Lets you enter a new name for the filter.
    • Properties - Opens the Level Properties dialog, which is used to set the preferences of the filter.
levels list Shows the attributes and properties of individual levels for the selected file or reference. You can filter this list using the dialog's Filter option. The list entry for the Active Level is displayed in the color cyan.

To modify attributes and properties for a level, select the level in the list, and click in a column.

Level list in Level Manager

A level's list entry shows:

  • Modified – The field is populated if one or more of the level attributes or properties differs from the source. The source could be either a library or reference level. With respect to reference levels, Modified is always in the context of the reference source regardless of whether the reference level is also a library level.

    A tooltip listing the out-of-sync attribute or property displays when the cursor is over the modified icon.

  • Name – displays the name of the level.
  • Library — shows whether the level was imported from a library.
  • Number — displays the level number. By default, the level number is always auto(system)-generated. However, you can manually change the level numbers. The level system keeps track of levels that are auto(system)-generated numbers and levels whose numbers are specifically assigned by the user. Auto(System)-generated numbers are not displayed (by default) in the Level Manager. The numbers of such levels can be re-assigned, as required, by the system.
  • Description
  • File in which it resides
  • Logical — either Master (for the open DGN file) or the reference Logical name.
  • Color
  • Style
  • Weight
  • Material – allows additional, global control of material specifications.
  • Global Display — indicates whether elements on the level are displayed. You can click the Global Display column to change the level's Display setting for all views in all models in the open DGN file.
  • Global Freeze — indicates whether the level is frozen. If frozen, elements on the level are not displayed and cannot be printed. When a level is frozen, all component elements contained in shared cell instances or references placed on that level are not displayed.

    You can click in the Global Freeze column to change the level's Global Freeze setting for all views in all models in the open DGN file.

  • Lock — indicates whether the level is locked. If locked, you cannot manipulate or modify its existing elements. However, you can copy elements on locked levels. You can click in the Lock column to change the level's Lock setting.
  • Plot — indicates whether elements on the level can be printed.
  • Used — shows whether the level is used in its references.
  • Elements — lists the number of elements on the level.
  • Priority — (2D models only) identifies the level display priority value. A level with the highest priority value displays in front, while a level with the lowest priority value displays in back. Reference and element priority values also affect the display.
  • Transparency — identifies the level transparency value. A value of 0 indicates no transparency and a value of 100% indicates almost complete transparency.

    If elements, references, and levels are assigned different transparency values, then effective transparency is applied on them.

  • Show All
  • List – opens the Show/Hide Tools option box, which allows you to turn display options on and off.

If you select one or more levels and right-click, a pop-up menu provides options for managing levels. These options are also available on the Levels, Filters, and Edit menus and the toolbar. In addition, you can choose:

  • Jump to Active Level — Takes you to the active level. This is particularly useful when working with a large number of levels because it eliminates the need to scroll through the level list to find the active level.
  • Remap Elements — Opens the Remap Elements to Level dialog.
Note: If a level is used in a model, cell definition or dimension style it displays as bold. If level is nested, it is normally dimmed. You can edit it using the MS_LEVEL_EDIT_NESTED_ATTACHMENT_LEVELS configuration variable.
filters list Lets you set the active level filter, (i.e., a level list for the model), as well as manage filters .

Filter list

Levels > New Creates a new level in the active model.
Levels > Set Active Sets the selected (highlighted) level to the active level in the active model.
Levels > Library > Attach Opens the Attach Level Library dialog used to attach a level library to the active model.
Levels > Library > Detach Detaches a level library from selected model. Only active if a level library has been attached.
Levels > Import Opens the Import Levels dialog used to import level libraries into the selected model.
Levels > Export

Opens the Export Levels dialog used to export a level library from the selected model to another DGN file.

Levels > Properties Opens the Level Properties dialog, which is used to modify the level's properties such as level symbology and custom line styles.
Filter > New Creates a new filter. You must be in the Filters category for this selection to be active.
Filter > Save As Opens the Save Filter dialog for saving a filter. You must be in the Filters category for this selection to be active.
Filter > Import Opens the Import Level dialog, which is used to open a DGN and selectively control the filters that are imported using the Level/Filter Import dialog.
Edit > Select All Selects all the levels listed in the dialog.
LEVEL ELEMENT SELECT [file:file-spec] level-spec
Edit > Select None Deselects all the levels listed in the dialog.
Edit > Invert Selection Selects all unselected and deselects all selected levels listed in the dialog.
Edit > Cut Removes the selected (highlighted) level from the model and copies it to the clipboard.

Use Edit > Paste to paste the level and its attributes into another model.

LEVEL ELEMENT MOVE [dest:level-spec2] level-spec1
Edit > Copy Copies the selected (highlighted) levels to the clipboard.

Use Edit > Paste to paste the level and its attributes into another model.

LEVEL ELEMENT COPY [dest:level-spec2] level-spec1
Edit > Paste Pastes the levels in the clipboard into the active model.
Edit > Delete Deletes the selected (highlighted) level from the model. If elements are on the level, the level will not be deleted.
LEVEL PURGE dest:[level-spec2] [ LEVEL–SPEC1 ]
Note: The key-in above deletes the specified "level-spec1". If the level has any elements, then all the elements are moved to the specified "level-spec2". The destination level specification is optional. If it is not specified, then any elements of the level to be purged are moved to the "Default" level.
Edit > Rename Used to rename a selected level.
New Level Creates a new level in the DGN/DWG file. This icon works the same as Levels > New. This icon only appears if you have the Master File category selected.
Delete Level Deletes the selected (highlighted) level from the file. This icon works the same as Levels > Delete. This icon only appears if you have the Master File category selected.
New Filter Creates a new filter in the model. This icon works the same as Filter > New. This icon only appears if you have the Filters category selected.
Delete Filter Deletes the selected (highlighted) filter from the model. This icon works the same Edit > Delete. This icon only appears if you have the Filters category selected.
Update Levels from Library If the open DGN file is selected in the left pane, clicking Update Levels from Library synchronizes the properties of levels in the open DGN file and in DGN files that contain referenced models, with the properties of the corresponding source levels in the attached level library.

If a reference is selected in the left pane, clicking Update Levels from Library synchronizes the properties of levels in the selected reference and in its attachments, with the properties of levels in the source file of the attachment. If a reference level is a library level, its properties are further synchronized with the properties of the level of the same name in the source level library.

Administrators can limit the effects of synchronization to particular level properties by setting the MS_LEVEL_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_LIST .

Note: Synchronization of nested attachment levels is session-specific.
Note: When the MS_LEVEL_ALLOW_LIBRARY_LEVEL_EDIT is set, changes to the level attributes will cause the library level to be copied to the active file. This allows the changes to the library level attributes to be saved in the active file.
Keying in DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS (short for DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS CUSTOM) is equivalent to clicking Update Levels from Library for the open DGN file — that is, when the file is selected in the left pane.

Keying in REFERENCE SYNCHRONIZE LEVELS <reference_attachments> (short for REFERENCE SYNCHRONIZE LEVELS CUSTOM <reference_attachments>) is equivalent to clicking Update Levels from Library for a reference — that is, when a reference is selected in the left pane.

  • Adding the suffix ALL to DGNLIB UPDATE LEVELS or REFERENCE SYNCHRONIZE LEVELS updates all level properties regardless of the properties specified in the definition of the configuration variable MS_LEVEL_SYNC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST .
  • Adding the suffix BYLEVELSYMBOLOGY updates only the bylevels properties — color, line style, and line weight.
  • Adding the suffix OVERRIDESSYMBOLOGY updates only the symbology overrides properties.
Symbology Displays elements with the same value.
  • ByLevel — When turned on, causes all elements with bylevel attributes to be displayed with the same element symbology.
  • Overrides — View setting that, when turned on, causes all elements on a particular level to be displayed with an alternate set of element symbology than the default. Level Overrides must be turned on in the View Attributes dialog for the override symbology to display.
Note: Symbology overrides are disabled in DWG workmode. All elements are displayed with ByLevel element symbology.
Level Filter Lets you select the active level filter, which is the filter used to limit the display of levels in the levels list box and the active level list in the Attributes toolbox.

Select <none> to not use a filter, select All Levels to display all levels in all models, or select the filter name.

Dialog Settings (icon) Pops up the Level Manager Settings dialog , which is used to set settings of the Level Manager.